ECO-AGRI Co., Ltd. (EAC) is a social responsibility enterprise established in 2015 with the purpose of developing sustainable agricultural value chains in Cambodia through improving access to agricultural inputs and markets for farmers. EAC has built up a broad range of supplies of agricultural inputs for organic and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) farm production, including but not limited to biological control solutions and locally-produced biological products. Alongside these inputs, as well as our system of contract farming, we also provide high-quality technical advice for farmers, farming cooperatives, and agricultural associations with the aim of ensuring a better income and health for the farmer.
EAC and its sister company, Khmer Organic Cooperative, are geared to provide a healthy agricultural chain from farmers to customers wherein mutual benefits are maximized. With this in mind, we view ourselves as partners with our farmers, stakeholders, customers, employees, and community.
We strive to be a reliable partner in promoting sustainable agriculture and to remain committed to excellence in our efforts.
Core Values

Our Capacity and Experiences
EAC has expertise team to provide our strong technical services to clients. Our technical team including technical agriculture solutions team, quality assurance team, and food safety standard team. We are developing sustainable agricultural value chains in Cambodia through improving access to agricultural inputs and markets for farmers. EAC has built up a broad range of supplies of agricultural inputs for organic and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) farm production, including but not limited to biological control solutions and locally produced biological products. Alongside these inputs, as well as our system of contract farming, we also provide high-quality technical advice for farmers, farming cooperatives, and agricultural associations with the aim of ensuring a better income and health for the farmer.
EAC plays an important role to provide consulting services, capacity building and agricultural solutions on organic agriculture development, agro-industry crops, organic standard development and improved agricultural productivity as well as agricultural production market development.
Our partners
EAC has collaboration with a number of project partners like GIZ, Plant and Food Research Institute (PFR), World Vision International, DCA, Heifer, DGRV, CAC, FNN, DPA, IFAD (ASPIRE, PADEE and AIMS project), and other farm operators in Cambodia on GAP-aligned vegetable production and GAP certification perspective. We also provided our agricultural inputs to those organizations.
Our service of agricultural inputs
We have supplied our agricultural inputs to World Vision Cambodia, GIZ, PNKS, ODOV, Helen Keller, Heifer International in Cambodia, SNV, FNN, DPA, DCA, FNN, LDW, BS, KCDA, Caritas International Cambodia, Smiling Gecko, Happy CHANDARA, ASPIRE Project, PADEE Project and other farm operators in Cambodia in Cambodia through direct supply and provincial dealers.
Our consulting & capacity development service
We have provided solutions on innovative agriculture technologies, organic farming development and GAP farming development to big commercial farms, pepper union, agricultural cooperatives, WVI, DGRV, CAC and IVY so far.
Message from Our Director
We are providing safe food to Cambodian people while at the same time helping the farmer community Mr. IENG Sotheara, its founder, sees that chemical retailers in Cambodia try to gain more profits by encouraging farmers to overuse chemical pesticide inappropriately which harms their health and environment. So, he decided to do this business to change the way farmers do agriculture and provide safe and clean food for the consumers. What we need to do is to re-educate both farmers and chemical retailers on environmental friendly agriculture practices to producer safe food Cambodian consumers while promoting the organic products among them. “We still face a lot of challenges. We still need to learn a lot in order to pave organic agricultural methods in Cambodia. Most farmers in Cambodia receive small income
and will not be able to afford and apply organic and good practice of agriculture on their crops. We need to assist them and make them understand and change step by step. Our vision, we strive to be a reliable partner in promoting sustainable agriculture and to remain committed to excellence in our efforts.
We see those problems that why we created this company in the purpose of developing sustainable agricultural value chains in Cambodia through improving access to agricultural inputs and markets for farmers. We have a broad range of supplies of agricultural inputs for organic and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) farm production, including but not limited to biological control solutions and locally-produced biological products. Alongside these inputs, as well as our system of contract farming, we also provide high-quality technical advice for farmers, farming cooperatives, and agricultural associations with the aim of ensuring a better income and health for the farmer.
Our companies are geared to provide a healthy agricultural chain from farmers to customers wherein mutual benefits are maximized. With this in mind, we view ourselves as partners with our farmers, stakeholders, customers, employees, and community. We have our commitment focusing on quality and sustainability for farmers and consumers.
We would love to express our deepest thanks to all our customers and clients for accessing our products and services so far. We do everything for the wellness of body and mind for all people.