Celebrating Khmer Organic Certifications: EU- year 4, USDA- year 3!

Celebrating Khmer Organic Certifications: EU- year 4, USDA- year 3!

Organic certification requires dedication, knowledge and persistence to achieve. Strict standards are followed from the moment the soil is inspected, the quality of seeds, and of course the process of growing, harvesting and even post harvest management. We accepted the challenges humbly and in collaboration with various international and local organizations received our first EU Organic Certification in May 2017 and USDA in July 2018.

Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects (IFOAM General Assembly 2008). Therefore organic food is produced using environmentally friendly methods on organic farms. These methods are legally defined and any food sold as ‘organic’ must be strictly regulated (Soil Association).

Khmer Organic Cooperative pioneered in Cambodia to grow organic produce and to receive all the necessary certifications. Our aim has always been to grow healthy food for the people of Cambodia, to provide better working conditions and quality of life to local farmers and all that with the respect and protection of our soil, water, plants and animals.

Organic Certification needs to be renewed yearly and the same standards and quality control systems are applied. This year our Khmer Organic farm renewed our both certifications. Already the forth Certificate for the EU and 3rd of USDA. 

It makes us happy and proud to be able to provide healthy food for our families, friends and customers. We continue taking our task seriously and with the best intentions. Thank you for your support.

